Monday, October 11, 2010

The Advantages of Being a Woman Artist by Guerrilla Girls

Guerrilla Girls is an anonymous group of radical feminist artists established in New York City in 1985. Known for their posters, books, billboards, appearances and other creative forms of culture jamming, the group aims to expose discrimination and corruption.
Trained as visual artists, Guerrilla Girls have invented a unique combination of content, text and snappy graphics that present feminist viewpoints in a humorous manner. They try to draw in viewers with their comic hook, help them to think about the issues, and encourage them to change their minds.
Guerrilla Girls want to reclaim the “F word" (feminism). They want people to embrace the tenets of feminism, which include equal opportunity, the end of gender-based discrimination, equal access to education, freedom from sexual exploitation and abuse, reproductive rights education, and human rights for women everywhere.
They are famous for wearing gorilla masks in public and taking the names of deceased female artists as pseudonym

For more info about the Guerrilla Girls check out their website:

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